Cottage cheese ice cream with peaches

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With this simple dessert, you will be able to include delicious sweets in a balanced meal. It does not take much time to prepare cottage cheese ice cream and anyone can do it.


  • Fat-free cottage cheese – 150 g.
  • Natural yogurt – 4-5 tablespoons.
  • 1 bananas
  • 1 peach (or other seasonal fruit)
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon (if you want it sweet).


Mix cottage cheese and yogurt together in a blender. If the cottage cheese is not very soft, rub it on a sieve in advance to have a cream-like consistency. Add banana and honey to taste and stir again. Cut the peach finely and mix it in the cottage cheese mass. Pour into molds and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Enjoy your delicious dessert

100 grams contain:

102 kcal. / protein-4.8 / fat-2.5 / carbohydrates-15.


100 grams is only 3 points.

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